Everything You Need to Know about Your Trip

Preparing for your visit to Sedona Mago Center for Well-being and Retreat is simple. From travel tips to retreat details, find everything you need to make your journey seamless and fulfilling.


We are located in the high desert at 4,500-feet altitude. Typical desert weather is warm or hot during the day, with dropping temperatures at night. We have dry air and strong winds that can help with the warm temperatures, but which also circulate dust and pollen in the air.

What to Bring

We highly recommend comfortable, relaxed clothing for easy movement. Layering, even in the summer months, is recommended to adjust to the changing temperatures throughout the day and night. In addition, we recommend you pack:

Water Bottle


Toothbrush / Toothpaste


Sun Protection

Walking Shoes

Shuttle Information

Groome Transportation

Groome Transportation provides Express Shuttle service from Phoenix Sky Harbor Airport to the doorstep of Sedona Mago Center for Well-being and Retreat. Call Now: 928-350-8466 to book your reservations.

Please note that these are the only know reliable shuttle services that will bring guests directly to Sedona Mago and please verify that your shuttle service will bring you to the Welcome Center. Other car services like Uber and Lyft do not service Sedona Mago due to the dirt road. Sedona Mago is unable to help and assist participants who choose not to use our recommended shuttle services.

AZ Shuttle Select

AZ Shuttle Select offers NON-STOP, No Transfers, Express shuttles from Phoenix Sky Harbor Airport to the doorsteps of Sedona Mago Center for Well-Being and Retreat. Passengers have the option to ride-share with others or make it a Private Exclusive ride. Call Now: 623-200-2849

Guest Guidelines

  • We ask for shoes to be removed before entering our meeting rooms. We recommend bringing shoes that can be taken easily on and off.
  • For your safety, we highly recommend wearing walking shoes or sneakers while walking along our various pathways.
  • To maintain an environment conducive for meditation, our casitas do not have televisions or phones in them.
  • Verizon, we have found, provides the best reception in our high altitude.
  • We are an alcohol and smoke-free facility.
  • No meat is allowed on the premises.
  • We offer pescatarian and vegetarian meals and accommodate guests with major food allergies. If you have questions please contact the welcome center.
  • Wi-Fi is available at the Welcome Center Lounge, which is open 24-hours.

Directions from Phoenix & Southern Arizona

Please follow the directions below for the most accurate driving instructions. Input 700 N. Bill Gray Road*, Cottonwood, AZ 86326 on your GPS to get the correct directions for the correct turn-off and take Bill Gray Road (761); most GPS will incorrectly lead you onto private property instead of Sedona Mago. The retreat center is located about 10.8 miles from 700 N Bill Gray Road. It is about a 30-minute drive up the dirt road.

Use GPS Address: 700 N. Bill Gray Road, Cottonwood, AZ 86326
(Do not rely on GPS beyond this point—follow these steps to avoid incorrect routes.)

  1. Take I-17 North for 90 miles.
  2. Take Cottonwood Exit (#287) and turn left onto Hwy 260 West for 12 miles.
  3. At Hwy 89A intersection, turn right toward Sedona.
  4. Pass two traffic lights, then look for a brown sign for 761 / Bill Gray Road.
  5. Turn left onto Bill Gray Road, where you will see two large gold-colored statues on the right.
  6. Continue onto the unpaved road marked “761”.

Directions to Drive Bill Gray Road

Please follow the directions below for the most accurate driving instructions. Input 700 N. Bill Gray Road*, Cottonwood, AZ 86326 on your GPS to get the correct directions for the correct turn-off and take Bill Gray Road (761); most GPS will incorrectly lead you onto private property instead of Sedona Mago. The retreat center is located about 10.8 miles from 700 N Bill Gray Road. It is about a 30-minute drive up the dirt road.

Driving on Bill Gray Road (Unpaved, 10.8 miles, approximately 30-minute drive): Please refer to the map to the right for turn-by-turn instructions.

  1. Set your odometer to 0.0 when you turn onto N Bill Gray Rd (the dirt road). Stay on the widest main path and ignore smaller side paths. It will take 10.8 miles to drive to the retreat center—if you drive 25 mph, it will take approximately 35 minutes.

  2. At 6.5 miles, reach a fork in the roadbear right (do not follow the sign for “258”).

  3. Continue on N Bill Gray Rd, following the main path as it winds through the terrain.

  4. At 10.4 miles, pass Sacred Mesa Trail—the retreat center will be visible on the left.

  5. At 10.8 miles, turn left at Ilchi Road (marked with a sign), cross the cattle guard, and continue 1,000 feet toward the gated entrance.
  6. At the call box, press “CALL” to reach the Welcome Center. If the gate is open, proceed to the Welcome Center for check-in.

View on Google Maps.

Directions from Flagstaff & Northern Arizona

  1. Take Hwy 89A South through Sedona, or take I-17 South to Hwy 179, then turn left onto Hwy 89A toward Cottonwood.
  2. Follow Hwy 89A until you see the brown sign for 761 / Bill Gray Road on your right.
  3. Turn right onto Bill Gray Road.
  4. From this point, follow the same directions above for Bill Gray Road (starting from “Driving on Bill Gray Road”).

*Bill Gray Road

(Forest Service Road 761)

Driving down Bill Gray Road for the first time can be challenging; however, it can also be an invigorating experience. Let yourself flow with the natural vibration of the drive and take in the beautiful scenery around you.