I have transformed myself from the inside and it shows on the outside! Before I found Sedona Mago I was very insecure about my body, I was holding on to past hurts, things that I thought I did wrong, or what I thought others did to me. I have been able to let go and release that negativity and be able to observe and find unconditional love even in the worst situation a child can experience. It is now I see that those who hurt me are really only very hurt inside themselves and are lost. I have been able to love myself with the help and guidance of the Sedona Wellness Retreat and more so with Awaken Divine Light I Training!!!
I wake up loving life but most importantly loving myself, my body, and being able to come back home to myself and see myself as the loving happy beautiful unconditional Earth Citizen (awakened person who shares love with the world) I am.
I know who I am now. I no longer feel lost. It’s hard work but so worth it.