Tips for Effective Post-COVID Recovery: A How-To Guide for Dahnjon Tapping

With the development of COVID-19 worldwide, boosting the immune system is certainly a big topic nowadays. In this blog, you will learn how to perform Dahnjon tapping – a body tapping method that can help open up your meridians and boost your immunity. You will also find guides on stimulating specific acupressure points in the body that can aid you as you fully recover from the virus.

How to Perform Dahnjon Tapping

  • Keep your feet at a hip-width distance while slightly bending your knees.
  • You want to have your pelvis tucked forward.
  • Make a loose fist and start to tap on the lower abdomen just below your navel repeatedly.

*It would be best if you tapped the area about 2 inches below your navel or three fingers below the belly button.

Start with doing just a couple of minutes of this a day, and then work your way up to about 20 minutes daily. We can almost guarantee that you will instantly feel a boost in your energy level. Dahnjon tappingcan help increase your immune system with continuous practice and increase your feeling of strength overall.

Then, breathe in through your nose and exhale loudly through your mouth. Imagine that you’re blowing out all stale energy and air trapped inside you. As you exhale, stop and rub your belly up on the right and down on the left.

Follow this up with full-body tapping. Hold out your hand with your palm facing up and tap on the opposite side of your upper chest. Doing so will open up your lung meridian. From your upper chest, work your way up onto the shoulder. Next, put your left arm straight out with the palm up. Tap firmly down your arm.

This tapping technique will open up the meridian center on the inside of your arm’s yin side. You’re stimulating the lung point, the heart, and the pericardium.

Afterward, flip your hands and come up to the yang side of the arm; you’re going to get the large intestine channel – a meridian called the Sanjao. Then, continue tapping up your arm towards the elbow and back up to the shoulder.

Point your thumb up and tap down your arm towards your thumb. Imagine that you’re trying to get some dust off an old coat and start tapping on the pinky side. Tap firmly towards the armpit. The lymph nodes in the armpit and other parts of the body are essential parts of the immune system. Tapping will help to stimulate them.

Then, tap down on your side ribs and then across the abdomen. Next, tap your stomach, capping over the liver on the right side. Then, get ready to switch hands. Repeat the pattern on the right side of the body. Start with tapping lung one and the lung points. After that, flip your hand up and tap down firmly towards your palm. Then, flip your hands.

You’re opening up all the acupuncture meridians on your arm. There are six on the arms and six on the legs. So continue tapping on the pinky side of the hand and go up again towards the armpit, giving a little extra attention to the lymph nodes in the armpit.

Then, come back down onto the abdomen, tapping it with both hands. This is an alternate position for doing Dahnjon tapping (also called lower abdomen tapping). You can use your palms instead of a fist. And from there, go down the outside of your legs. That’s going to get the gallbladder meridian.

Tap all the way down the ankles and the feet, and then come back up the inside of the legs that get the kidney, liver, and spleen meridians. These channels are vital for boosting your immune system and keeping you feeling strong the way up to the thighs.

Go back to the abdomen, then come around on the lower back. Make sure you spend some time in the kidney area. Then, tap down the back of your legs on the bladder channel all the way down to the heels on your feet. And one more time, back up the inside of the legs.

After this, breathe in and out hard as if you’re clearing off your energy.

How to Perform Pointing to Stimulate the Four Gates

The Four Gates are two points in your hands and two points in your feet — large intestine 4 on the hands, liver 3 on the feet. Together, they open up the flow of Qi, which is your vital life force energy. The proper flow of Qi and blood in your entire body will keep you healthier and calmer.

To access the Four Gates:

Press the flesh between your thumb and the pointer finger using your other hand. Press that area using a good amount of pressure. Make sure you’re touching the area that feels the sorest as that is typically the acupuncture point. Once you find the spot that feels the most sensitive, you can spend about a minute rotating that flesh in a clockwise direction while applying pressure.

While you’re doing this, continue to inhale and exhale through your mouth. Breathe deeply. Feel yourself relaxing and releasing anything that should be removed.

The Four Gates is considered a master point for anything that has to do with the head. Stimulating this channel can relieve headaches and stress, plus it can resolve cold symptoms.

To access Liver 3:

Reach down to your foot to stimulate your liver 3. In between the tendons in your first and innermost toe, you’re going to feel a spot that’s a natural stopping place for your finger. Feel that area with your fingers and find the sorest point. It’s not a favorite point in an acupuncture session, but it’s very effective and powerful. Then, rotate your finger in a clockwise direction for about a minute, releasing any stuck energy in that point and helping to clear the liver meridian.

In Chinese medicine, all organs have an emotion associated with them, and the liver channel is believed to be correlated with anger. You might help yourself to release some anger or unresolved emotions by working on this point and stimulating the Four Gates regularly.

After that, go back to large intestine 4 located on your right hand. At this point, you can relax, and shake out your hands and feet.

To access Kidney 1:

You can access this point by crossing your legs over and reaching your soles. The kidneys are a fundamental energy system in Chinese medicine as it helps promote immunity and overall health. The bottom of your foot might not feel as sore as the liver point, so you should be able to handle it. Stimulating this point will help with insomnia. And it can also keep your energy more grounded, which is essential in staying strong.

To access your kidney 1, trace your fingers inside your big toes on both feet. These areas are where the liver and spleen meridian start. Then, tap both your big toes repeatedly. By doing this, you will increase your blood circulation, thus reducing tension and calming the mind. It will allow you to feel more grounded, stay relaxed, and get a good night’s sleep.

You could do about 300 repetitions of this, which won’t take all that long. And you can do this while sitting or lying down. Lastly, give your feet a little shake to get rid of any excess energy.

To access Shenmen:

Believe it or not, you have over 200 acupuncture and acupressure points on your ears. By massaging them, you can effectively treat just about every part of your body. One crucial point is located on the upper end of the ear called Shenmen, which means spirit gate.

To access your Shenmen, rub the upper end of your ear with your finger. This will release endorphins, helping you feel less stressed and make you feel stronger. Generally, human ears are sensitive, so use firm pressure when massaging.

And then, rub the outer surfaces of your ears. You will notice that they will become redder, indicating increased blood circulation. Next, tug on them gently, almost as if you’re stretching them out. Finally, grasp them and rotate around while breathing in and out.

This ear massage is very similar to a reflexology session in which someone might work on your feet, and you can feel the effects on your entire body.

You can stimulate your Shenmen for five minutes a day. This will clear a lot of your energy channels and help you relax. After all, stress is one of the main things that contribute to our immune systems getting lower.

To access stomach 36:

If you only had the time to perform one acupressure every day, this would be the one. Stimulating the stomach 36 is a super potent acupressure point as it does many things: It helps with digestion, boosts your immune system, and relieves pain in many areas of the body, helping you feel calmer.

To do this, use a loose fist to tap the area below your knee. You could do both knees simultaneously, and you’d want to stimulate them for at least a minute. If you prefer a massage technique, you could also use your thumb.

Same as you did on your hands and feet, you can feel around your knee area until you find a point that feels a little bit sorer than the places around it. Again, this massage accesses the energy of the lungs, which helps get things in your body moving. You may do this while you’re sitting up, lying down, or standing.

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