Mindful Exercises to Help Care for Hip and Knee Joints

By tapping specific areas in your body, you can activate and amplify your energy and blood circulation. For example, if you tap your lower abdomen, where the lower chakra energy center is found, you may be able to relieve pain in your lower body joints. Here are a few mindful tapping exercises you can try to help take care of your joints. 

Lower Chakra Stimulation 

To start opening your lower chakra, it is highly recommended to stimulate your lower body first. Follow along with a skilled instructor or continue reading on how to get started.

To get started, follow these simple steps:

  1. Start by tapping the area below your navel until you feel a warm sensation on your legs and lower abdomen. Stimulate this area gently and mindfully. Relax your arms. Instead of using a lot of physical strength when tapping, focus on having a concentrated mind to activate the blood and energy circulation in your abdomen area.
  2. Once you feel the energy become active and your body temperature rises, slowly bend over and tap your lower back to release tension there.
  3. Then, gently tap your hips. By tapping this area, you’ll open up energy blockages in your hip joint and the areas surrounding it.
  4. Keep tapping down to your legs, the sides of your legs, and down to your feet.
  5. Then, from your feet, tap your inner legs, moving upward to activate the acupressure points on your legs.
  6. Tap your sides, hamstrings, and back of the knees too.
  7. Tap your shins, knee joints, and thighs, moving up to your abdomen once again.

As you tap, feel the strength in your core area. Finish tapping and exhale through your mouth. Massage your abdomen area clockwise, feeling the warm energy sensation in your stomach. 

After tapping your whole body gently, your energy and blood circulation are now amplified

Lastly, with your hands, make a sweeping motion from your upper body to your feet, as if you’re letting go of all the aches, heaviness, and fatigue in your body. Relax your legs and feet. You’ll feel that both of them have become lighter. 

Joint Rotation Exercises 

For these exercises, you will stimulate your hip, knee, and ankle joints, as well as the knuckles on your feet. 

Knee Joints

Exercise 1:

  1. First, stand tall on your feet with good posture and place your hands on your lower abdomen area. If you find it difficult to balance while standing up, you may use a chair.
  2. Secondly, lift your left knee and slowly twist to the right then return to the starting position. Rotate your leg ten times before doing a reverse rotation. Gently shake both legs before switching to your right leg.
  3. This time, lift your right knee and slowly twist to the right then return to the starting position. Repeat this ten times, and shake both your legs.

Exercise 2:

  1. Hold your knee caps and rotate your knee joints to the left using both hands. Repeat this motion ten times.
  2. Then, turn them to the right, repeating the movement ten times.
  3. Lastly, rotate your knees from the inside out. Repeat this ten times before reversing the motion.
  4. Gently massage your knees and do a sweeping motion using your hands from your knees to your feet.

Hip and Knee Joints and Knuckle Exercise 

Pose #1:

  1. Put your left foot before you, touching the floor using only your toes.
  2. Then, make a circular motion with your knees, rotating inward, then outward.
  3. Repeat this motion ten times before reversing the movement. Do it again ten times.
  4. Next, put your right foot forward, touching the floor using only your toes. Repeat the rotating exercise ten times.

Pose #2:

  1. Sit on the floor, stretch out your legs and put both your hands on the floor behind your body. Relax your legs and bounce your knees repeatedly. Keep your attention on the energy gates located at the backside of your knees. Repeat this motion 20 times.
  2. Then, stimulate the acupressure points on your feet by making a clapping motion using your soles. Repeat this 30 times.
  3. Next, stretch your legs, bend forward, relax your back, and make a sweeping motion from your hips to your feet. Doing this opens up the meridian channels and acupressure points on your feet.

Pose #3:

  1. Lie on your back and stretch out your legs. Place both your hands on the floor.
  2. Then, shake your feet and hands from side to side.
  3. Next, fold your knees and slightly thrust your hips to loosen up your lower back and hips. Repeat this motion ten times.
  4. Bend your knees from side to side, relaxing your spine. Then, inhale and exhale. When you inhale, raise both your legs and draw them in towards your torso. And when you exhale, lift them upward and stretch them apart. Repeat this thirty times in three sets.
  5. Lastly, put both your legs back on the floor. Shake your feet and focus on inhaling and exhaling. When you finish these exercises, say thank you to your knees. “Thank you, my knees. I love you. I am delivering cosmic energy to you. I wish you would become healthy and be happy.”

Resources and Next Steps:

Interested in more mindfulness and meridian exercises? Check out the rest of the playlist here.

Would you like to learn how to share these practices with others? Check out Tao Healing and Meditation.

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