Communicating Through The Art Of Calligraphy

“I would like people to feel the movement of energy created by calligraphy art.  It allows you to experience a meditative state and connects you to the infinite possibilities and spiritual nature.”

Ilchibuko Todd is a Senior Master Trainer at Sedona Mago Retreat.  Ilchibuko is a spiritual teacher, artist and speaker. After spending over two decades mastering Universal Qi Energy, she currently shares her message through art, sound healing, inspirational talks, retreats, ceremonies and heartfelt mentoring.   She has led numerous personal transformation workshops and spiritual ceremonies throughout the world as well as guiding people to find their divine nature. Her goal is to help others create a purposeful life that they truly desire.

Ilchibuko draws calligraphy as she experiences the energy of the Universe in a selfless state. Through her Qi Energy Calligraphy she shares this energy of Cosmic life to empower individuals to reach a state of higher consciousness, communicate the Oneness with heaven and earth and deliver the message of unity and peace to all humanity. “When I do calligraphy, I am able to quiet my mind and tune into the space of connecting to inner stillness, where there is infinite movement of energy and creativity. It is like my brush naturally moves to express that energy,” says Ilchibuko. “I feel empty of thoughts and emotions, so free and expansive. I feel connected with my true nature and harmoniously existing with the Universe.” 

Ilchibuko’s work expresses unconditional love, awaken your senses, nothingness, the way of truth, oneness, trinity of wisdom, love and power, rhythm of life as well as many other heart to soul connecting messages.

“I wish that people can feel what I am feeling; Inner stillness, oneness, harmony, and expansiveness,” she says. “Simply having this kind of calligraphy art can shift the vibration and energy of your room.” 

Ilchibuko’s Calligraphy Art is on display at the Sedona Mago Retreat Center until the end of October.

If you are interested in purchasing or ordering, contact [email protected]

DSSN Calligraphy 02 DoTong (Connect to Tao)

ChunShim (Heaven’s Mind) – PURCHASED
The divine mind which embraces everything and everyone. It is the unconditional love of the Universe.

DSSN Calligraphy 02 DoTong (Connect to Tao)

DoTong (Connect to Tao) – PURCHASED
Heaven opens the crown chakra through Tai and the Law of the Universe. Awaken all chakras to complete your body, soul and spirit.

DSSN Calligraphy 02 DoTong (Connect to Tao)

Dahn Shim (Constant Mind) – PURCHASED
With your constant mind and heart, actualize your grand vision and mission to benefit all.

DSSN Calligraphy 02 DoTong (Connect to Tao)

Mu (Nothingness) – AVAILABLE
State in which no Self exists. Reach the true essence of Life. You are nothing: therefore, you are everything.

DSSN Calligraphy 02 DoTong (Connect to Tao)

Tao (The Way of Truth) – AVAILABLE
Gain self-confidence, peace, love, and freedom from finding who you really are through the practice of Tao.

DSSN Calligraphy 02 DoTong (Connect to Tao)

Han (Source) – PURCHASED
We are One from the Source. Everything began with the One and returns to the One.

DSSN Calligraphy 02 DoTong (Connect to Tao)

Dahn Mu (Energy to Nothingness) – PURCHASED
Surrender yourself to the Cosmic Energy. Experience No-Self.

DSSN Calligraphy 02 DoTong (Connect to Tao)

Dae Sam Hap (Trinity Comes Together) – PURCHASED
The Will of your heart for the Completion of your Soul brings Great Love, Great Wisdom, and Great Power.

DSSN Calligraphy 02 DoTong (Connect to Tao)

Dahn Mu (Energy Dance) – PURCHASED
Dance with the energy of the Universe. The rhythm of Life sets you free.

DSSN Calligraphy 02 DoTong (Connect to Tao)

Chun Hwa Kyung (Sacred Text for Completion) – LARGE SIZEPURCHASED
When chanted, your brain becomes flexible and you tap into limitless creative power.

DSSN Calligraphy 02 DoTong (Connect to Tao)

Chun Ji In (Trinity of Heave Earth Human) – LARGE SIZEAVAILABLE
From the Source, Heaven, Earth, and Humans were born. Within Human beings, there exists Heaven and Earth. Oneness with all existence.

DSSN Calligraphy 02 DoTong (Connect to Tao)

Chun Do (Return to Origin) – LARGE SIZEAVAILABLE
Soul’s communication with heaven. Realize the eternal nature of our existence.

DSSN Calligraphy 02 DoTong (Connect to Tao)

Nae (Brain) – PURCHASED
Heaven opens the crown chakra through Tao and the law of the Universe. Awaken all chakras to complete your body, soul, and spirit.

DSSN Calligraphy 02 DoTong (Connect to Tao)

Chun Shin Mu Ae (Heavenly Divine Martial Art) – LARGE SIZEPURCHASED
The powerful expression of your Divine nature through energy movement. Your Soul and Body become light and free. Be enlightened to the greatness of your brain and the value of your existence.

DSSN Calligraphy 02 DoTong (Connect to Tao)

Mu Nyung Mu Sang (No Thoughts No Preconceptions) – LARGE SIZEPURCHASED
Breaking free from limitations created by our ideology or constructs. Realize that I am the creator. I can create everything.

DSSN Calligraphy 02 DoTong (Connect to Tao)

Mu Sang Dae Do (Greatest Enlightenment) – LARGE SIZEPURCHASED
Live a purposeful life. Awaken to the greatest value of your brain and you can attain the highest enlightenment.

DSSN Calligraphy 02 DoTong (Connect to Tao)

Hong Ik In Gan (Human Being Who Benefits All) – LARGE SIZEPURCHASED
Awaken to your True Self. Find withing you the innate desire to benefit all people without anything in return.

DSSN Calligraphy 02 DoTong (Connect to Tao)

Il Lyu Pyeong Hwa (Human Peace) – LARGE SIZEAVAILABLE
Realize Oneness. Achieve peace and harmony among all people and all human races.

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