Meridian Exercise to Improve Your Lung Capacity

Breathing is essential in our lives. So if you can improve your lung capacity, then you can also enhance your overall health. Apart from that, you can also reap emotional benefits. In Tao study, we believe that the lungs are related to your emotional energy, as this is the organ where sadness resides. Through these Meridian exercises and breathing methods below, you may be able to release stress and deep sorrow.

Start by Stretching

  1. Stand up and open your legs shoulder-width apart
  2. Clasp both your hands together in front of your abdomen
  3. Inhale and hold your breath while stretching your arms above your head and as far as you can go 
  4. Exhale while slowly unclasping your hands and moving your arms down to your sides slowly
  5. Repeat steps 2-4 three times

Stretch the Arms and Chest 

Part I 

  1. Inhale from your abdomen area while crossing your arms
  2. Hold your breath for a few seconds while bending your knees
  3. Then, open your arms to the side, pushing your palms while exhaling 
  4. Release your pose 
  5. Do steps 1-4 twice 
  6. Next, stretch your arms apart, pushing your palms to the side 
  7. Inhale and hold your breath
  8. Twist your arms forward, exhaling as you twist them further
  9. Squeeze the muscles in your arms before releasing 
  10. Repeat steps 6-9 twice 

Part II 

  1. Inhale and hold your breath while stretching your arms 
  2. Exhale as you further the stretch
  3. Then, inhale one more time, making sure to hold your breath as you turn your head to the right side
  4. Twist your right arm backward and twist the left arm forward, as if you’re wringing a wet towel (When your muscles are bent this way, it releases stagnant energy)
  5.  Lastly, exhale and release your pose and feel relaxation wash over your body
  6. Repeat steps 1-5 

Part III 

  1. Repeat steps 1-2 from Part II 
  2. Then, inhale one more time, making sure to hold your breath as you turn your head to the left side
  3. Twist your right arm backward and twist the left arm forward, as if you’re wringing a wet towel 
  4.  Lastly, exhale and release your pose and feel relaxation wash over your body

After these steps, you may feel your arms and chest area become more open. 

Breathing Exercise

  1. Stand on your feet with legs shoulder-width apart
  2. Bend your knees slightly 
  3. Inhale, then hold your breath while moving your arms above your head, palms facing upward 
  4. Slowly exhale as you bring your arms back down 
  5. Repeat steps 1-4 four times

Your imagination is key to this exercise. As you do the steps above, imagine you’re receiving pure cosmic energy through your palms. Envision yourself receiving the universe’s energy while it moves through your arms, reaching your lungs. Keep this posture while doing lung breathing.

Breathing Meditation 

  1. Seat comfortably, relaxing your body 
  2. Gently tap your chest area with your fingertips (This opens up the blockages on your chest area) 
  3. Keep tapping your lung area to awaken it and help it release stress caused by emotions 
  4. For the deeper opening of the chest, let out an audible ahhh sound as you exhale through your mouth (By making an ahhh sound, you release stress and attachment, helping recover your original health)
  5. Then, using your hands, create a sweeping motion from your chest to your feet. This releases all heavy, suppressed energy in your body 
  6. Next, put your hands on your lung area 
  7. Close your eyes and focus on your lungs
  8. Have a good conversation with your lungs 
  9. Tell your lungs, “Thank you, my lungs. I love you.” (Whether you speak it loudly or silently, sincerely express your love for your lungs, and you’ll feel it respond to you differently 
  10. Inhale and then exhale while making an audible ahhh sound
  11. Smile as you exhale 
  12. Repeat steps 10 and 11 twice. 

Finally, put your hands on your lower abdomen, and gather energy down to your lower abdomen. Enjoy that warm sensation, deep comfort, and openness in your lungs. At this point, your lungs should feel more refreshed and recharged, thanks to your pure concentration. Remember that healing is not technique – it’s your pure love and attention to your body.

Try these simple exercises from one of our master level trainers, Jahbi Seong:


From all of us at Sedona Mago, we hope you utilize these exercises and breathing methods to improve your life and become healthy and happy.

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