Autumn: A Time to Harvest Inner Growth

Harvesting ApplesAutumn is a time for harvest and many of the fruits and berries at Sedona Mago Center for Well-being and Retreat are ready to be picked. Most trees have turned color and shed their leaves as they prepare for winter’s frost. 

Harvesting BerriesNature quietly teaches us to let go of our external beauty as we prepare to reap what we have learned. We, as human beings, are part of nature, harmonizing in the cycle of life.

The beauty of autumn at Mago is breathtaking. By sharing these photos, we hope that you too, can reflect on your lives and experience a warm heart.

As you wander around the premises, you may find hanging pomegranates, apples, and persimmons as well as jujube fruit. The jujube fruit, a small, red round fruit, known as an Asian date. It has edible skin and a sweet flavor. The jujube fruit, popular in Oriental medicine for thousands of years, has many health benefits such as treating insomnia, anxiety, improves circulation, regulates blood pressure, improves bone strength, and aids in digestion. 

Come visit us at Sedona Mago Center for Well-being and Retreat soon and reflect on your own year.

Reap the benefits of this joyful season!Harvesting JujubesHarvesting Persimmons