New Year, New You: A Time to Awaken Your “Inner Light”

By Ilchibuko Todd
President of Sedona Mago Center for Well-being and Retreat

The new year is a great time to check in with your brain to reflect on the internal and external events of the previous year. It is a time to create a vision that best aligns with who you want to be for the following year. You can look at what has kept you from moving forward, whether that be your own actions, intentions, thoughts, etc.; or your attachments to the external world.

The truth is that none of your thoughts, intentions, actions and attachments to the external world reflect your highest self, i.e. your inner light. Your inner light is actually the sincerest and humblest form of who you are. According to neuroscience, and most Eastern traditions, our inner light is a reflection of our inner wisdom and our inner knowing. It is an unshakeable and unchangeable part that represents our true essence. It represents lightness, tranquility, strength, and trust within ourselves.

In order to move into the new year, with a new profound sense of energy, and vitality, and let go of old patterns and habits that no longer serve you; you can awaken your inner light to make more aligned plans and decisions for yourself that reflect congruency with your true self, or your soul.  

How do you awaken your inner light through the state of emptiness? 

The state of emptiness in Taoism is where we view ourselves in oneness with nature instead of in oneness with our egos. Your ego can represent your actions, emotions, and old patterns you learned from childhood. Your ego can also be external labels you place on yourself that does not truly represent who you are. Being in oneness with nature means you are in a natural state of flow and do not attach yourself to the ebbs and flows of life. Just like in nature; it does not attach itself to the stages of growth, destruction, and rebirth; it just lets these cycles happen naturally. In other words, a plant is not intent on labeling itself, nor does a volcano contemplate the destruction it can create when lava flows from it. 

The more you awaken to your inner light, the more you can live in a state of emptiness and move through the cycles in your life with more confidence. You will be able to let go of pain and upset from previous years, and bring more awareness to what truly aligns with your highest self in the next year. 

How do we awaken our inner light for the new year?

At Sedona Mago, we have a process for awakening our inner light that coincides with the start of each year. Firstly, to awaken to our inner light, we must reflect on the stories we tell ourselves or have held onto that dictate who we are. We want to come to a state of emptiness, where those stories are no longer what defines us. Instead, we can release those old narratives and simply tune into our spiritual divine existences. 

We start by turning our focus inwards so that we can stop looking around ourselves for something better, or try to find happiness externally. We realize and reiterate to ourselves that awakening our inner light does not happen through external validations or external relationships, but only through building a more profound awareness of the light that already exists inside of ourselves. 

Once we release, reflect, let go of those false narratives, and surrender to our own brightness; we attend a sunrise meditation on the 1st of January to connect to the brightness of nature, i.e. the sun and the sacred land at Sedona Mago. 

Luckily, at Sedona Mago, you can have a deeper connection and understanding of nature because it is completely surrounded by it. There is simply yourself and nature. You can immerse yourself in deep release, reflection, and surrender. And, you can learn the spiritual practices that can help you do this work and begin the new year brighter, and lighter, as well as have the opportunity to tune into your inner light. 

Every location at Sedona Mago is created with the intention to help people awaken. The land has been built up with its own energy vortexes to amplify the energy of transformation. We also continue the practice of awakening throughout the year with 365 days of prayers. Our dedicated spiritual coaches support you and your loved ones by sending highly charged positive energy to raise the vibration and reiterate the process of awakening your inner light.

What are the daily practices that can maintain the connection to your inner light in the new year?

Through daily prayer and meditation, we can continue to maintain a deep connection to our inner light. At Sedona Mago, we believe in maintaining the connection between ourselves and nature; we are not separate. When we meditate we bring our awareness to this connection every day. We are able to look inward, and build a roadmap to awakening our true selves, or higher selves, our inner light. 

When you awaken to your inner light, you can more easily come to the new year with a beginner’s mind and heart, i.e. being sincere, humble, and purifying your energies of old stories and egotistical titles. You learn to use the energy of the new year to overcome difficulty, re-evaluate and redirect your life’s direction and goals, and create new habits that allow you to remain in the vibration of your inner light. 

For those who wish to experience our broadcast Awakening Your Inner Light on site and/or the 365 days of prayer to open to your own brightness this new year, we will be sending out more information soon. You can comment below or get in touch with us to show your interest and we will personally send you more about this unique event and experience.  

Don’t forget, peace can only channel throughout the world when you start to raise your consciousness within yourself first. Tap into your own inner divine light to share peace throughout the world. For more information check out our upcoming Awaken Divine Light Online Course.

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